San Andrea
Merchandise Categories
- Art & Paper Goods
- Home Decor
- Accessories & Jewelry
- Antiques & Collectibles
- Apparel
Hi! My name is San Andrea. What started in 2019 as a music career, has quickly diversified and expanded into what you see here at Melrose Trading Post: a way of life. My objective has been to provide people with an escape to the city, and a retreat to the cold mountains of Colorado, and rainy Andes of Colombia (my two homes). Musically, I have accomplished this with folky, nostaligc, ambient songs, and for fashion, I offer my customers a wide array of Americana/midwestern 70s-90s apparel. This makes following San Andrea a full life experience, one with a new soundtrack, and a new fit. Not only are you supporting local music with each purchase, but you also are uplifting a mission of sustainability. All clothes are vintage, and as we now know, purchasing is much better for our environment than supporting fast fashion brands that create thousands of pounds of waste annually. My booth is one that you'll simply have to see (and hear) for yourself. I hope that comes soon! Then, you can know what it really means to be apart of San Andrea.